Anisha ImhaslyCoaching Coaching

Anisha Imhasly

«Where our attention goes, our lives go.»
— Martha Beck

Coaching is not therapy. It’s an exploration of the thoughts that often muddle our vision and keep us from thriving. It helps us discover the ways in which our mental concepts and our socialization have shaped our perspective. We explore, based on situations, thought processes and bodily sensations, what a change of perspective might look and feel like.

This coaching calls upon our gifts of intuition and deep knowing to chart our way forward. Here's a few examples from my own life where coaching has really served me. Anything sound familiar?

I want to do right by others, am a chronic people-pleaser.
How I feel and how I act are not in alignment.
I'm constantly managing my feelings.
My boundaries frequently get crossed.
My body often gives me signals but I don’t listen to them.
My stern inner critic is in charge.

My job is to provide a container for the questions, so that the answers may arise in you. I haven’t got the answers – you do! That way lies treasure.